
"Small-Shell" is the WEB application generator that can generate open source WEB application and related functions such like DATA store, Job Automation instantly just using shell {bash}. you can customize your applications very easily once it's generated. because it's written in almost only shell including WEB application, it has very few dependencies and super lightweight. it's easy to learn & easy to use. try it and have a fun !

Generate APP

You can generate APP and each function just using gen command. please see detail of each functions on "Shell tour".

                                    |  <->  Batch CLI  {e-cron} 
 gen command  ->>>   SHELL APP      |  <->  WEB UI/API {APP shell} 
 {CLI dialog}     {DATA/JOB store}  |  <->  NoSQL CLI  {DATA shell}
                                    |  <->  Analytics  {Pyshell}

Project is focusing to democratize IT technology, it's removing sophisticated programing method such like Object Oriented Methodology. basically "small-shell" works through dialog or just line up basic unix commands. it can destructure complex concepts and difficulty of understanding of programing.


Fundamental features are here, each of them are pursueing to be very simple and lightweight.

Common (destructured programing)
 |- Light (minimized codes), Flexible, Full openess
 |- Can be integrated with anything, Almost no dependency
 |- Easy to learn, Easy to use

APP shell (WEB application framework)
 |- Generate WEB Application through dialog
 |- No cookie but utilize hash token as much as possible
 |- Use Flex box and Pure HTML
 |- Use Pure javascript
 |- Provide WEB API
 |- Base64 encrypted KEY authentication, No password any more
 |- Contain WEB srv that written by Node.js
 |- Markdown portal page for scratch APP

DATA shell
 |- NoSQL but provide unix command based interface
 |- Provide destructured data store (DataBox)
 |- Utilize hash chain for data integrity

 |- Scheduleing and logging job by extending cron function
 |- Define & Enable job relationship with exteral hosts
 |- Provide Data exchange HUB API

Best Practices

"small-shell" is designed for working with Team and Edge

Data management with Team
  • Generate NoSQL & Flat DataBox in few STEPS
  • Get & Push datas through Base WEB APP easily
  • Analyze data with Unix commands and python libraries
  • Create Form for external users in few STEPS
  • Manage data and portal in single scratch APP
  • Modify APPs with framework like a MVC model
IoT & Edge computing
  • Add jobs to cron through e-cron dialog very easily
  • Manage automated job results adequately
  • Manage automated Job relationship not only local job but also external hosts.
  • Construct Data-exchange platform in few STEPS
Educational purpose
  • Use small-shell for understanding basic programing