Create Scratch APP

In this tour, you can learn how to make scratch APP and how to edit codes or portal page very quiickly. there are 4 types of Scratch APP as following chart.

Type Auth View Data src Code Data Access
Shared Pass APP Shared Pass Code Markdown portal,table,form,log specific databox editable Controllable per group
Key APP Base64 Encrypted Key Markdown portal,table,form,log specific databox editable Controllable per user
Other Any Markdown portal,table,form,log specific databox editable Customize everything
No auth APP No Authentication Markdown portal,table,form specific databox editable Read only


Please setup Base APP beorehand refering to Quick Start

Common STEP

Each types of scratch APP have common STEP for launching APP, difference is mainly authentication method.

  1. Generate DataBox for datastore #gen -databox
  2. Generate Scratch APP #gen -app
  3. Update portal with Markdown or HTML tag #on BaseAPP
  4. Add user #key APP, other
  5. Update action scripts #optional
  6. Add subAPP #connect additional databox if needed

Let's create scratch APP by following above steps.

Generate DataBox

Please generate databox that will be used for Scratch APP.

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/gen -databox
# -> dialog will be started

Generate APP

Let's start to generate scratch APP named as just test with base64 key authentiaction. by the way you can use any other name as app_name. In this sample, we would like to use the name just test but of course you can set any prefer name you want.

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/gen -app
Type of APP (1.BASE | 2.FORM | 3.SCRATCH): 3
APP Name: test                                                              
Type of Authentication (1.shared pass | 2.user key | 3.other | 4.none):  2
Primary databox: item.db


If you don't need to use any databox, please input none or null as primary databox

Update portal

You can update portal by updating markdown description of $ on Base APP or edit code directly please check cookbook. default portal image is here.


Add user to the APP

If you select Key APP, please add user for the APP. then you can get URL that can generate key for each end user.

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops app:$app add.usr:$usr

e.g.) add "test_user" user for key APP name "test"
sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops app:test add.usr:test_user 
Key initializing & generating URL for test_user on test APP is here

Connect to the APP

End user key that's generated above command will be stored to end user browser automatically using localstorage by javascript once connected to above url. And if you set "yes" for IP whitelisting for this APP in the dialog, you can set restricted IPs by using ops command. IP whitelisting detail is on APP shell tour

Access URL of the APP

If you are using default WEB server, your application URL must be $FQDN/$app except "other" type APP. URL will be shown in the dialog of gen command.

e.g.) APP:test, URL:https://$FQDN/test


Re-generate User key

If end user lost their key, you can generate URL for re-generating key.

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops initialize.usr:test app:test

Update Pass code

If it's Shared Pass code APP, you can update pass code by updating file directly

sudo vi /usr/local/small-shell/web/$app.code

Update codes (optional)

Then APP will be generated to directory that you already defined in Base APP dialog. you can update codes freely. As for small-shell framework please check MVC model

Target codes

# actionscripts
$bin (/var/www/bin)

# HTML descriptors

Parameter change ($bin)

In this example, accesible key of databox is changed. In the default permission, end user can access all keys of databox from the Scratch APP.

e.g) restrict data keys
sudo vi /var/www/bin/

# Target databox and keys

HTML descriptor ($descriptor)

Draft design of HTML is already generated, and you could customize them freely.

sudo vi /var/www/descriptor/test_main.html.def
sudo vi /var/www/descriptor/test_table.html.def

Use member list

If you want to import user list on your APP Form. you can select "mls" as data type in the gen dialog of data box creation. mls can import user list of your scratch APP. following is just example.

key(col2) name: assignee
key(col2) label: Assignee
data type (text | select | radio | checkbox | email | num | tel | date | date-time | url | textarea | file | pdls | mls): mls

Tagging on Scratch APP

You can add search tag to the table by ops command

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops add.tag:$databox{key{word}} app:$app_name

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops add.tag:tasks{status{on-going}} app:tasks


Change user permission

User permission could be changed ops command with app option.

# change to read only 
sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops set.attr:$user{ro} app:$app

# change to read / write
sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops set.attr:$user{rw} app:$app

You can add any extension information to user attribute. following is exmaple to set attribute to ken as admin for management APP.

# user=ken app=management
sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops set.attr:ken{admin=yes} app:management

# confirm permission
sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/meta get.attr:management/ken{admin} 
update descriptor

If you delete or put of actionlink please update get.html.def directly

# e.g ) add delete function to test APP
# sudo vi /var/www/descriptor/sapp_get.html.def
sudo vi /var/www/descriptor/test_get.html.def
---target code--
       <div class="action_links">
        <span><p style="cursor: pointer" onclick="'./test?%%params&req=log_viewer&id=%%id', 'log_viewer', 'width=820,height=280')">Show data update history</p></span>
        <span><p style="cursor: pointer" onclick="del_confirmation()">Delete</p></span>


Basically scratch APP connect to only 1 databox. and Sub APP is the way to add databox to your scratch APP additionally. In this following exmapmle, databox:inventory.db subapp:inventory will be added to scratch APP that name is test.


subAPP must be belong to parent APP, please define subapp as $subAPP_name@$parentAPP_name

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/gen -app
Type of APP (1.BASE | 2.FORM | 3.SCRATCH): 3
APP Name: inventory@test
Subapp databox: inventory.db

Once subAPP deployed, please check routing and menu that will be updaated automatically. and you can freely modify them.

# routing
# sudo cat /var/www/cgi-bin/$parent_app
sudo cat /var/www/cgi-bin/test
# menu
# cat /var/www/desciption/common_parts/$parent_app_common_menu
cat /var/www/desciption/common_parts/test_common_menu

Portal page link will be updated as well. please check on Base APP.

You can generate links that can be used in the APP. please do not delete %%session in the link. then it will be replaced to a dynamic session and pin code. These links could be used in html descriptor of your APP and it can connect table of primary databox of your APP or it can connect action links such like new or get data in the APP.

sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/meta$app

for subapp

sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/meta$subapp@$parent_app

Import APP from template

Creating APP template is sub project of small-shell. you can import APP template from git sub projects.

Team APP

This APP template could manage not only Team events, but also tasks, shared drive, bookmarks and inquiries as easy ticketing system.

Team APP funcions
Function type Description
Portal parent Manage team events with portal calendar
Announcements sub-app Share announcement to the team
Tasks sub-app Manage team tasks {assignment,status,deadline,sync_calendar}
Inquiries sub-app Manage inquiryes involving external users {assignment, status, external_form, ticketing}
Drive sub-app Provide object storage that have optional link to share file to external users
Bookmarks sub-app Share bookmarks
Inquiry_F form Inquiry form to Team from external user
cd $HOME
git clone
cd small-shell-apps/team_app

#if you already careated events and tasks databoxes, please delete it.
#rm -rf /usr/local/small-shell/databox/events 
#rm -rf /usr/local/small-shell/databox/tasks

# Deploy Team APP, shell can createe databox as well
sudo ./
Add user to Team APP

Please add user to the APP, Then you can get key to access team portal.

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/ops app:team add.usr:test


Access ULR of Team APP

There is 2 URL for using Team APP, 1 is for APP user, 1 is external user for inquiry. please try to use.

# Team APP 

# Inquiry Form

Oauth integration

If you want to use Oauth, it's recommended to select other type APP.

sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/gen -app
Type of APP (1.BASE | 2.FORM | 3.SCRATCH): 3  
app_name: oauth_test
Type of Authentication (1.shared pass | 2.user key | 3.other | 4.none): 3

We made sample script that can be integrated with Oauth provider, please get each parameter from Oauth provider beforehand.

# input small-shell app name
echo $app

cd $HOME
git clone

# select provider

cd small-shell-apps/oauth_sample/authorization_code

vi ./cgi-bin/${provider}_auth
# target params

# sample input

vi ./descriptor/${provider}_oauth_form.html.def
# target params
  var CLIENT_ID = '';
  var REDIRECT_URI = '';
  var OAUTH_END_POINT = '';
  var SCOPE = '';
  var STATE = '';

# sample input
#  var CLIENT_ID = '';
#  var REDIRECT_URI = 'http://XXXX/cgi-bin/auth.oauth_test';
#  var OAUTH_END_POINT = '';
#  var SCOPE = '';
#  var STATE = 'statee';

authkey=`grep authkey= /var/www/cgi-bin/auth.$app | sed "s/authkey=\"//g" | sed "s/\"//g"`
echo $authkey
cat ./cgi-bin/${provider}_auth | sed "s/%%authkey/$authkey/g" > .auth.$app
sudo cp .auth.$app /var/www/cgi-bin/auth.$app
cat ./descriptor/${provider}_oauth_form.html.def > .${app}_auth_form.html.def
sudo cp .${app}_auth_form.html.def /var/www/descriptor/${app}_auth_form.html.def
sudo chmod 755 /var/www/cgi-bin/auth.$app

Then you can try to connect APP through Oauth.

Delete Scratech APP

You can delete your scratch APP by using util script as following.

usage: sudo /usr/local/small-shell/util/scripts/ $app

Technical Tips

This is a random technical Tips. It could be hint for making your own scratch APP.

1. Get ID & key's value

You can get text name using ID and key using "none" format

@action script (shell)
 # get name which will be issued
 DATA_SHELL="sudo -u small-shell ${small_shell_path}/bin/DATA_shell session:$session pin:$pin"
 book_name=`$DATA_SHELL databox:book.master action:get key:name id:$id format:none | $AWK -F ":" '{print $2}'`

2. ID search by using Name

You can also get ID using 100% matched text

@action script (shell)
 # get book ID Based on the name 
 DATA_SHELL="sudo -u small-shell ${small_shell_path}/bin/DATA_shell session:$session pin:$pin"
 book_id=`$DATA_SHELL databox:book.master command:show_all[match=name{$book_name}] format:json | jq '.[] | .id'| $SED -s "s/\"//g"`

3. Json insert to javascript instance

In terms of integration with javascript frameworks, we would like to recommend to insert bulk of json datas to javascript directly using %% tag because ajax with small-shell will take 1 or 2 sec for getting data.

Json technique (javascript in html def)
const events =
generator in bin/
sudo vi /var/www/bin/

## generate json
$DATA_SHELL databox:$databox command:show_all[filter=sync{yes}] format:json \
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}/'/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}/%/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}/*/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}/$/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%%%%}/\#/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%%%}/|/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%%}/\]/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%%}/\[/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%%}/)/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%%}/(/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%%}/_/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%%}/,/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%%}/\//g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%%}/\&/g"\
| $SED "s/{%%%}/:/g"  > ../tmp/$session/events

## then, just insert %%json to events
cat ../descriptor/team_main.html.def | $SED "s/^ *</</g" \
| $SED "/%%common_menu/r ../descriptor/common_parts/pintest_common_menu" \
| $SED "s/%%common_menu//g"\
| $SED "s/%%user_name/$user_name/g" \
| $SED "/%%json/r ../tmp/$session/events"\
| $SED "s/%%json//g"\
| $SED "s/%%params/session=$session\&pin=$pin\&databox=$databox/g"

4. Disable portal

If your APP will not use portal, please change main request to table by adding these codes.

sudo vi /var/www/cgi-bin/$app
if [ "$req" = "main" ];then