DATA Shell
"DATA shell" manage "databox" that is mainly designed to be used by WEB APP of APP shell. DATA shell is interface of manage databox and it can ensure data integrity utilizing hash chain.
Key value store
Data will be saved in databox as key value type of data sets. like this image.
Image of inside databox
dataset1:{ primary_key(col1):value, key(col2):value, key(col3):value, ... key(colX):value }
dataset2:{ primary_key(col1):value, key(col2):value, key(col3):value, ... key(colX):value }
dataset3:{ primary_key(col1):value, key(col2):value, key(col3):value, ... key(colX):value }
dataset4:{ primary_key(col1):value, key(col2):value, key(col3):value, ... key(colX):value }
datasetX:{ primary_key(col1):value, key(col2):value, key(col3):value, ... key(colX):value }
small-shell databox could have both feature of relational database and key value storage. if you want to use databox as master database, please set specific name to primary key. if it's just used as flat data store, please set hashid to primary key. see detail as below.
Pattern1 Generate Databox as master database
Use databox as master database. in this example, item_name is set as specific primary key name.
sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/gen -databox
Databox Name: item.db
primary_key(col1): item_name
primary_key label: Item Name
Do you want to add column to dataset? (yes | no): yes
key(col2) name: description
key(col2) label: Description
Data Type (text | select | radio | checkbox | email | num | tel | date | date-time | url | textarea | file | pdls | mls): text
Pattern2 Generate Databox as flat box
If you want to use databox as flat data store, just set "hashid" as parimary key name. value of primarykey(hashid) will be generated by system automatically.
sudo /usr/local/small-shell/adm/gen -databox
Databox Name: survey.db
primary_key(col1): hashid
key(col2) name: impression
key(col2) label: Impression
Data Type (text | select | radio | checkbox | email | num | tel | date | date-time | url | textarea | file | pdls | mls): select
please define parameters using comma as separator: Good,Not Good
Require to input each time? (yes | no):
Directory Structure
Data will be stored on Unix file system with indexing and logging transactions.
sudo ls /usr/local/small-shell/databox/$databox
data def file hashchain index log log.dump
Command reference
You can access datas through DATA_shell command
DATA_shell has CLI, you can use these commands with sudo small-shell
e.g.) sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/DATA_shell parama1:$param1 param2:$param2
Base params
param | description | usage |
authkey | Set key for authentication | authkey:$authkey |
session | Set session token for authentication. if you have session, you don't need key | session:$session |
pin | Set pin for authorize session token | pin:$pin |
databox | Set target databox name | databox:$databox |
type | Set target data | type:data , type:log |
format | Set data format | format:html_tag , format:json , format:none |
command | Set command | command:$command |
Command Handler params
You can exec several type of command by using DATA_shell "command:" option. by the way, commands will refer to index not refer to data file directly.
Command | usage |
exec unix command | command:grep_-v_test_"|"_wc_-l |
just filtering data | command:word1_word2 |
show data array | command:show_all |
show data array with specific line or column | command:show_all[filter=wordA,wordB] |
show data array by sorting | command:show_all[sort=option,col_num] |
show data array by filtering specific column | command:show_all[filter=col1{word}] |
show 100% match data with specific column | command:show_all[match=col1{word}] |
Command handler exmaple
# get data using authkey
sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/DATA_shell authkey:$authkey databox:$databox type:data command:show_all format:json
# get data using session token
sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/DATA_shell session:$session pin:$pin databox:$databox type:data command:show_all format:json
DATA Handler params
You can set or show datas using data handler
Action | usage |
Set Data | action:set |
Get Data | action:get |
Delete Data | action:del |
Set id | id:$id |
Create new dataset | id:new |
Set data-key scope | key:key_nameA |
Set data-keys scope | keys:key_name1,key_name2,key_name3 |
Set data-keys as all | keys:all |
Set value to the scope | value:$value |
Set null value | value:%%null |
Set input_dir | input_dir:/tmp/yyyymmdd |
app | app:$app |
Data handler exmaple
You can set value by 2 way. first way is just typing value to the commandine with value: tag, another way is just put input_dir and upload key file which has value to the directory.
# get value
sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/DATA_shell authkey:$authkey databox:$databox action:get keys:all id:$id format:json
# set value with CLI input
# set
sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/DATA_shell authkey:$authkey databox:$databox action:set key:description value:test1 id:$id
# set value with file
# set
echo "test2" > /tmp/description
sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/DATA_shell authkey:$authkey databox:$databox action:set key:description input_dir:/tmp id:$id
Meta charactors in index
Some meta charactors are removed or changed to specific tags in the index to be searchable. index is just an index, data itself will not be impacted. It's required to use Meta charactors {%*%} when accessing index by executing DATA_shell with command: option.
` - delete
: - {%%%}
& - {%%%%}
/ - {%%%%%}
, - {%%%%%%}
_ - {%%%%%%%}
( - {%%%%%%%%}
) - {%%%%%%%%%}
[ - {%%%%%%%%%%}
] - {%%%%%%%%%%%}
| - {%%%%%%%%%%%%}
# - {%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
$ - {%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
* - {%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
% - {%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
' - {%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%}
null - -
Hashchain is created by which make index and log and hashchain as well. log.dump data will be hashed and it will be integrated to synthesis hash with previous updated keys. following is code of
#view /usr/local/small-shell/sbin/
log_dump="${timestamp} user:${user} primary_key:$primary_key_value updated_key:${updated_key} value:${value} #id:$id"
# gen hash
hash=`echo "$log_dump" | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}'`
# update hash chain
last_hash=`grep synthesis_hash $ROOT/databox/$databox/hashchain | tail -1 | awk -F ":" '{print $2}'`
synthesis_hash=` echo ${last_hash}${hash} | sha256sum | awk '{print $1}'`
echo "`date +%Y-%m-%d` `date +%T` id :$id" >> $ROOT/databox/$databox/hashchain
echo "`date +%Y-%m-%d` `date +%T` hash :$hash" >> $ROOT/databox/$databox/hashchain
echo "`date +%Y-%m-%d` `date +%T` synthesis_hash :$synthesis_hash" >> $ROOT/databox/$databox/hashchain
Download hashchain
Base APP user can download hash chain and verificate data integrity by themselves.
Meta command
"meta" command can be used for gathering meta data.
sudo -u small-shell /usr/local/small-shell/bin/meta
# action(L1).action(L2):target{param}
# meta get.chain:$databox
# meta get.progress:$import_session
# meta get.num:$databox
# meta get.databox
# meta get.server
# meta get.attr:$user{$attribute_key}
# meta get.attr:$app/$user{$attribute_key}
# meta get.key:$databox{primary}
# meta get.key:$databox{all}
# meta get.pdls:$databox{filter_word}
# meta get.label:$databox{all}
# meta get.header:$databox{csv}
# meta get.header:$databox{json}
# meta get.tag:$databox
# meta get.tag:$app{$databox}
# meta get.command
# meta get.IP #show whitelisted IPs
# meta get.statistics:ls{html_tag}
# meta get.statistics:ls.$filter_word1,$filter_word2{html_tag}
# meta get.statistics:$statistics{graph}
# meta get.statistics:$statistics{raw_data}
# meta get.shared_pass:$app
# meta get.users
# meta get.users:$app
# meta$app
# meta chk.form:$databox
Batch for DATA shell
You can import or delete datas using batch scripts.
## import file must be csv format
usage: sudo -u small-shell $authkey $databox $import_file
## list file should just contain IDs of target datasets
usage: sudo -u small-shell $authkey $databox $list_file
Gen databox using db.def template
You can define data structure using db.def template, util/scripts/ can generate databox without dialog if you use db.def. template sample is here.
db.def Template
please freely add column by using "+addcol" declaration.
# db definition
# databox
# col1
# col2
# only for radio, select. you must use comma as separator
# only for pdls
# required
# col3
# only for radio, select. you must use comma as separator
# only for pdls
# required option
Generate Databox by
Command example is here. In this example we use /tmp as temporary directory. will generate databox promptly.
vi /tmp/db.def #please writedown definition
sudo /usr/local/small-shell/util/scripts/ /tmp/db.def
Import / Export data
You can import datas through WEB APP or batch command. csv format can be downloaded from Base APP table #csv tag or import form.
If you are using hashid for primary key, please input value as "new". if you are not use hashid as primary key, you can input any value to the key.
Import throgh Base APP
You can import datas from Base APP "Data Import" menu. Import format can be download on the page.
Import through batch
Instead of Web UI, you can also import data through bat_import script.
/usr/local/small-shell/util/scripts/bat_import $authkey $databox $file
tail -f /usr/local/small-shell/tmp/log/$session.log
Export data through APP
You can export datas with csv format on Base APP table.
Delete databox
There is util script for deleting databox.
usage: sudo /usr/local/small-shell/util/scripts/del_databox $databox
Verified environment
OS: Ubuntu 2X (recommnded), Debian 1X, macOS Monterey, CentOS 7, RHEL 8
bash: 4.X
curl: 7.X
# REQUIRED commands
Core commands : sha256sum, flock, base64
awk : above 3 that can use "IGNORECASE = 1;" option
sed : above 4.2.2 that can use "-z" option
PHP : any version which have PHP url encyption libraries